The purpose of this page is to provide researchers with learning and training opportunities in quantitative psychology. The page will be updated over time so please check back every few months.
Statistical Workshops in Toronto
York University’s Statistical Consulting Service
University of Toronto Research Design and Analysis Workshops
Quantitative Psychology Groups
Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Quantitative Methods Area
American Psychology Association (APA) Division 5
American Educational Research Association (AERA) Division D & Special Interest Groups
Association for Psychological Science (APS)
These associations have annual conferences which typically include pre-, post- and in-conference workshops and talks pertaining to statistics and methodology. They also have listservs where you can learn ask for statistical advice, receive about quantitative psychology job postings, and learn about additional training opportunities.
Open Science
The Center for Open Science
Open Science Framework
Society for Improving Psychological Science (SIPS)
Online Resources for Statistics and Quantitative Psychology Tools
Websites and Courses
UCLA Stats Resources and Consulting
Online & Free Books
If you have any recommendations or suggestions to add to this list please let us know